Imogen Grace Reid

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Get me Outta Here!

Well it was 9.30 on Saturday night, and I decided I wanted out, 17 days early.

After trying to punch my way out, I gave up for a while, and spent the night in the hospital biding my time.

Sunday 9 AM, and the doctor decides that i've had enough of a sleep in.

After causing mum a little bit of a hard time for which I am sure I will have to pay for later, was born at 3.29pm, right on 6 pounds, 47 cm long, Everybody is doing great.


At August 11, 2008 at 7:49 AM , Blogger Joejoeinc said...

OMG!!! I'm so happy for you both! Well done. To Iomgen Grace Reid, In the word's of Will Smith "Welcome to Erf!".


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