Imogen Grace Reid

Monday, August 18, 2008

I learnt a new trick!

When Mum & Dad weren't looking, Barbarella (the furry 'cat' thing) taught me the trick of how to get lots of attention in the middle of the night when nobody is giving you any - you make this really loud noise, and they come running..... it's Great!

Barbarella says that if you do it too much you get sprayed with water, but I loved my bath tonight, so I can't see how that can be a bad thing.


At August 21, 2008 at 5:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is such a lovely photo of mum and bub!

At August 25, 2008 at 2:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great Nan from Rooty Hill says hello to Imogen and congratulations to mum and dad.
Loved the photos.


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